
Find A Way

Introduction: I am desperate to live; Listening to my internal compass; Finding things very important during my search; The other side of the desperate coin = pain; Learning to listen to the feedback; Avoid, accept, change?; The need I value most in life is; An addiction on the truest level; Becoming good at finding a way to what’s important to you


Day 44 : A progressive degeneration off sores over 3 weeks; 10 minutes on, 10 off for 800 miles?; Advice from Mr Ian Couch brought a solution; two 39-mile days which were huge for my psychological state; Adapted, kept grinding and found a way; Happy out. 


Intra days: Atlantic Campaigns support; They’ve seen everything through experience and leading the safety of the race for many years; cutting up a spare seat I had put together made up of yoga matts into bits to raise the sores off the fixed seat; Talc clouds in the cabin and every other attempt at a solution; the importance of hitting those 39 mile days and continue to fight despite the situation; the power of the decision to take the hard option; build your relationship with yourself; Why I put myself in situations like these; the decision tightrope on the edges; Know thyself, Be thyself, Love thyself. 


Day 45  : Best days mileage in a long time; Working hard for my miles and dodging squalls at 3am; Sores are finally less sensitive thanks to the perch; Psychological pressure point unveiled; Very sore fingers in the mornings before the blood gets flowing into them; Goodbye to my beloved nut butter combos; Loving it and having ideas for another ocean rows; Mimicking Russell Crowe in Gladiator while naked. 


Closing: An indescribable adventure & challenge; exploring the amazing facets of the Atlantic and exploring your internal world; the manifestation of Project Empower; Stumbling on a concoction of super fuel; Claws in the morning are not conducive to untying and rowing; counting down the first 10 strokes each morning; 

The epic story continues.

Keep striving for more from yourself. 





Day 44 : https://youtu.be/OW_-GR0lttU 

Day 45 :  https://youtu.be/Yabdg117ctI 

Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/DamianBrowne


With gratitude, 


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