‘As long as you live, keep learning how to live’
Recommended: Search out physical acts that within their practice will mean embodiment of virtues that are fulfilling to you. (Fulfillment – to fill in holes within ourselves)
Nobody talks about this but – physical training for performance is a way to deepen one’s virtue system (and therefore your character.) It is a gateway practice into a deeper internal world where there’s something much bigger at stake for you and your relationship with yourself. In the act of endeavouring to improve one’s physical performance we find –
– Every moment of every rep is a chance to embody virtues that are meaningful (and therefore fulfilling) to us.
When we place meaningful virtues (to us as individuals) under stress and we fight to continue to embody that virtue despite the resistance, we take a step forward in our journey to self realisation and self mastery. It’s arguable that no virtue is more important to fight for in that journey than integrity and we have the opportunity in physical performance training to create situations where our integrity is challenged. How do we do that? In the words Clubber Lang – ‘Pain’. Through placing our body in states of discomfort (a much more accurate word than pain), where every cell is screaming for a way out, we open ourselves up to a potentially, impactful opportunity, if we choose a certain course of action – to honestly reposition our body into the discomfort and hold firm despite the extreme duress we may be experiencing. Try one of the movements, sets, reps and rest intervals below and tell me otherwise.
Recommended: He’s a personal list of exercises I love to create this situation.
It is a worthwhile use of one’s time to try to get a clearer understanding of what it is, at its deepest levels, that drives you to push your body and mind continually. Much like an onion, there’s many layers to this, and it will take time and attention, but there’s no rush and as the ancient Greeks so powerfully philosophised on the Temple of Apollo – Know Thyself.
Something tells me you might uncover some personally meaningful virtues are getting some sharpening from time to time and one session like that is enough to keep a man searching for the same extraordinary feeling for years to come.
‘As long as you live, keep learning how to live’
~ Seneca