
Be a 1st Rep Warrior.

Something to ponder:

Be a first rep warrior, not a last rep hero.

Don’t be the person who saves themselves for the last rep(s). 

On the physical plane – that’s not eliciting the training effect you want/need.

On the mental plane, that is the functioning of a weak mind.

On the spiritual plane, that is practicing cowardice.

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Something to practise:​

“Start Fast”

 Context:  Start by taking some time to consider this question. What values or virtues inspire you? What values or virtues do you admire in others? What values or virtues embodied elicited a sense of strength and contentment in you? Make two lists. One a hardcopy and one in the notes app on your phone; this will be your working list and as you become more observant of self and witness other values/virtues that mean something to you, add them to that list that is never too far away. 

Something to pose:

What values or virtues are meaningful to me?

 Recommended:  If you choose to do the above – See & feel. Endeavour to create images in your mind from the winter of your life. How would you like to feel about the life you’ve lived? What actions will bring about that desired feeling at the end? How would you have liked to make people feel about themselves?  Emotion is energy and if we can elicit potent emotion(s) from our created imagery we can use that to propel ourselves forward past the constant friction and resistance that one’s existence holds.

‘As long as you live, keep learning how to live’

~ Seneca

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